Showing posts with label NLP Natural Language Processing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NLP Natural Language Processing. Show all posts

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Introduction to Coreference Resolution in NLP

What is Natural Language Processing(NLP)?

Most probably you may have experience of using Google Home with voice commands or finding something on the internet using Siri on your iPhone. These are two practical applications built using NLP.

Natural Language Processing is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that makes it possible for computers to interpret, understand and manipulate human language. It tries to fill the gap between computer understanding and human communication. Speech recognition, spelling checking, keyword search, and many more techniques come under NLP.

How to send Slack notification using a Python script?

 In this article,  I am focussing on sending Slack notifications periodically based on the records in the database. Suppose we have to monit...