Sunday, February 25, 2018

What is Natural Language Processing and how does it works ?

In 1950 Alan Mathison Turing (often called as the father of modern computing) published his famous paper titled “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”. That was a seminal paper on the topic of artificial intelligence. In here Alan introduced a game called "The Imitation Game” and he proposed a variation of this game that involves the computer.

Then Alan Turing expressed an opinion that if a machine could have a conversation with a human and trick the human into thinking the machine was a person itself, then it was artificially intelligent. That was named as Turing test and became the first step to the birth of artificial intelligence.

How to send Slack notification using a Python script?

 In this article,  I am focussing on sending Slack notifications periodically based on the records in the database. Suppose we have to monit...