Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Simple DIY project using HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

You can create a circuit to measure the water level of a water tank using this HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor. You only have to add few lines in to the code that I used to display measured distance from this sensor. Revised code is given below.

int echoPin = 2;  //Define Echo pin
int trigPin = 3;     // Define Trig pin
long  inches, duration, cm;   //Define variables
int height=300; //define depth of tank in cm
int firstLED = 4; // define LEDs pin
int secondLED = 5;
int thirdLED = 6;
int fourthLED = 7;

void setup() {

Serial.begin (9600);
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);  //Define output pin
pinMode(firstLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(secondLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(thirdLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(fourthLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);  //Define input pin


How to send Slack notification using a Python script?

 In this article,  I am focussing on sending Slack notifications periodically based on the records in the database. Suppose we have to monit...